Stone’s Source  /41






         Choosing a medium is the most complicated part of it, the act  of putting down, drawing out,

         or otherwise shaping the granite into flesh, from experience, for closely guarded moments

         of insight or the process of gain, or the recess of pain.


         From that spot it looked like a sort of ooze. It was expelled   from fissures which had no other purpose

         than to tell us what was possible a million years ago but is now  solid rock, stone, or a part of it

         which becomes pebbles, sand, and finally soil.


         Sources of stone, brought down by fire and ice and exposed  by storms and time.


         Sources of stone, laid open by weather and time to carve a  hogback ridge out of nothing,

         or of stone and clay and silt.


Sources of stone, harvested when the weight was more important

  than the patterns or the

stone's structure, or the season which survive, to find shelter, 

  to consume.






Sources of stone, shaped into points from the icon of ages, from the tradition

of old hands over young, from ritual of care and time.


Sources of stone, which found purchase in the hides of animals or the footprints of man, or were washed clean

by blood, or carried off by the vanquished to brood in healing or death.


Sources of stone are where you find them, for throwing, for shaping, for crushing.

They present themselves, they ask for reduction to smaller pieces, they like the challenge

of union as though no time existed, or with enough time, as if no stone existed.


Sources of stone: hand size, car size, pickle size, and smaller. Types of stone beyond category,

types of stone without definition, stone without form and stone without end,


sources of stone and the stone of source,

the earth, it's shape and creation.






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