Metaphor /11 The voice of the river names itself, then turns another bend toward closing stillness; ocean's pine box where noise becomes music and sound becomes the dryness of loose leaves seeking a lee. I felt myself flow then: the tumble in a kind of dream and reached toward the pool quiet grave passing out of reach like a stick turning on the river past out-stretched arms. The river is a metaphor but so is the grave. 11.
The FIre finger at Red Top Lookout, near Swak Pass, WA, is typical of many other lookouts, both surviving and relegated to memory. It stands in the center of the lookout and is used to generate numbers which, when called in to firefighters, gives them references to the fire's location and makes it easier to find. As you an imagine, if you get close enough to a fire, you'll start to see the smoke, but down under the canopy, climbing up a drainage slope, the smoke isn't always visible, so you first use the lookouts description and then start using your senses to find the actual fire. From there, it is up to the crew to either extinguish it, monitor it for a while, or set back and wait for rain,, whichever fits the operation plan of the day.